2 October 2017
Rivers Of Living Waters
Revelation 22:2, “And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. […]
27 September 2017
Thrust Forth Your Labourers
Christianity is by far the world’s largest religion. Though Britain has shown a decline in the number of those who profess to be Christians, we know that the Lord is raising up prayer warriors, intercessors, and missionaries who will bring the Gospel to the unsaved. Like in Isaiah 61:1, “The Spirit of the sovereign Lord […]
Tags: Harvest, Intercession, Missions, UK
27 September 2017
God Of Miracles
I felt faith rising in our hearts to believe for God to do miracles in this land again. Jeremiah 10:9 says, “There is no one like our Lord. For He is great and His name is full of power.” We continued to stand in prayer for the salvation of souls and His labourers in the […]
Tags: Restoration, Salvation, Wales
25 September 2017
Divine Connections
Prayed for the salvation of souls. Soften their hearts to receive You Open their eyes to see You – Isaiah 6:5 Called upon the Lord for the souls and prodigals which are coming into the kingdom Prayed for the labourers in the fields. Ask the Holy Spirit to ripen the harvest Lead and guide us […]
Tags: Consecration, Generations, Pisgah, Prodigals, Restoration, Salvation, Unity, Wales
20 September 2017
Relighting The Coals
As we were worshipping, I saw old pieces of coal scattered across the map of Wales in a vision, and they started to glow slightly. The coal pieces were in existence during the times of revival in Wales when people sang in the streets to the Lord, and as we lifted the name of Jesus […]
Tags: Bride of Christ, Children, Generations, Wales