11 October 2017
Your Warrior Bride Shall Take Her Place
We prayed for the re-alignment of the U.K to His thoughts and plans – for His kingdom to come and His will to be done. We recognized that the leadership is placed by God for His plans and purposes. We asked that He would continue to guide those in authority as they continue to make […]
Tags: Holiness, Nations, Purity, Spiritual Warfare, UK
11 October 2017
Build This Nation
As we continued to pray for the government, we prayed that the Lord would use Theresa May for His purpose, that His power will be displayed and His name will be established in this land. We prayed that Theresa May would come to know God in a deeper way – to understand His heart and […]
9 October 2017
Establish Your Plans & Purposes
We prayed for our Prime Minister, Theresa May for strength to carry her through as she leads the Brexit discussions with wisdom and discernment. We asked for the fear of the Lord to guide her in the right direction and for wise and godly counsel to surround her so that His plans and purposes for […]
4 October 2017
A Heart Of Flesh
We continued to pray for Las Vegas, that the Lord’s peace and comfort would rest upon her and that those who are bound in fear, anger or distress would find hope in Christ. One person shared that the Lord brought to mind Nineveh, the city that Jonah was sent to by the Lord and how […]
Tags: America, Breakthrough, Peace, Repentance, Rivers
4 October 2017
Restore America
In alignment with the word healing, we prayed for America, with a specific focus on Las Vegas and the mass shooting incident that occurred on Monday, the deadliest in the History of America. We prayed that the Lord would release His healing, peace and strength upon the victims, their families and all affected by the […]
Tags: America, Breakthrough, Healing, Peace, Restoration, Rivers of Living Water