10 April 2017
Wisdom For Governance
We prayed and blessed the UK government – that the Lord would give wisdom to those who are in governance and leadership over this land. We also cried out for God to raise God-fearing men and women and position them in places of authority and influence. We prayed that God will raise a team to stand for Him in the government. We prayed that God would restore peace to this city. We also prayed for the unveiling of eyes and the spirit of repentance to come upon the Welsh – that they will be obedient in following the ways of the Lord and be quick to repent if they are not.
I had a vision of a stream that was still, and yet something was causing a disturbance to the stream. We prayed for the blood of The Lamb to cover and protect every believer and that they would have the strength to stand strong in their faith, and declared,
John 14:1,
“Let not your hearts be troubled;
you believe in God, believe also in Me.”
We also prayed for the renewal of hope in Christ and spent some time praying also for the next generation that God is raising in this hour.
Tags: Generations, Hope, Repentance, UK, Wales