3 July 2017
Seeds of Maturity
This morning, I woke up with a word from the Lord, and He showed me a picture of a seed. I thought to myself and wondered if it was about the prayers that people have sowed in the past. So I asked the Lord and felt that He was talking about the maturity of the seeds. Seeds will grow only under the right conditions, and likewise, we as spiritual beings will only be able to grow when we are well and continually fed with His Word and Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 3:6, it says the Lord will give the increase as we faithfully plant the seeds.
In these last days, the Lord of the harvest will pour out His Spirit on all flesh and His sons and daughters will prophesy, they will dream dreams and see visions. In prayer today, we contended for more of His Spirit to be poured out in our lives and in the nations that belongs to Him, so that His seeds will come into maturity and blossom into strong trees and plants that bring fruit to many other nations and people who have yet to know Him.