20 February 2017 by YF

Clay In The Potter’s Hand

Isaiah 55:6-9 6 Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the Lord, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon. 8 “For […]

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15 February 2017 by EL

The Next Generation

Prayers were lifted to the Lord for the restoration of broken marriages and for Him to remove lukewarmness in Wales. YF encouraged the group to pray for the church and for the next generation to be the army that will arise in victory. One person prayed that the youths would discover their purpose in life […]

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15 February 2017 by YF

Ride On The Tsunami

We prayed for the prodigals – For those who have yet to know the Lord, for those who have lost their way, who are weighed down by the distractions of the world, we asked that He would remember His children and bring them into His arms. We also prayed that He would encourage and embrace […]

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13 February 2017 by EL

It Is Your Goodness

We began with praying for the Lord’s goodness and blessings to be released and revealed in our lives and over the nation of Wales, especially to those who do not know Jesus, not only in material prosperity but in an intimate fellowship with the Lord. One person thanked the Lord for His mercy that has allowed […]

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8 February 2017 by YF

A Beacon of Light

We prayed that Your people will be carriers of Your love and that their lives will shine Your light. Renew and restore their dreams, Lord. Set them on fire to shine like beacons of light for You and be like a city on a hill shining for You because of what You’ve done in their […]

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