9 August 2017
The 9th Of August
As it is National Day in Singapore, we prayed for Singapore and thanked the Lord for joining Singapore with the United Kingdom – both in the past when Singapore was a British colony and now that the Lord has joined the two nations through the redemption of the Bible College of Wales and Pisgah Chapel. We prayed for the fear of the Lord to continually abound in places of the Singaporean government, in the marketplace and in the church.
Someone was led to pray Proverbs 22:4:
“By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honour and life.”
We prayed for the nation to be clothed in humility and to be filled with thanksgiving for the blessings of God. I also felt led to pray for Singapore to love righteousness and God’s truth and His Holy Word.
Since it has been 40 years since Billy Graham gave a prophecy that Singapore would be the “Antioch of Asia”, we prayed that Singapore would be hungry and willing to embrace her destiny and for the release of the Daniel anointing, which Lou Engle mentioned at the Kingdom Invasion Conference in Singapore. We prayed for the raising up of those who would influence nations and world economies for the building of the Kingdom of God.
Tags: Nations, Redemption, Singapore, UK, Wales